Friday, April 3, 2009

Am I the only one?

I was starting to feel like maybe I was the only person on the planet Earth that didn't have a blog, so here we go.  I can't guarantee this will be entertaining, or even slightly amusing, but I will try my best to at least keep you awake.
I am currently living in Okotoks, AB, a tinny little town 20 minutes south of Calgary. Not much to do around here, so I have to make do with the entertainment I drum up for myself.  Currently that is redoing my bathroom.  The house was built in the 70's, in fact the building permit was issued the day my oldest brother was born, and the wallpaper was the original paper they put up.  Yesterday I stripped the old paper off, and next week I am going to rip out the old vanity, paint the walls and put in a new pedistal sink. The floors will be retiled soon after. I have some pictures of the before, but I haven't decided if I want to post them now, or wait until I have the after.

This weekend Adam and I are headed down to Montana, back to the motherland for me!  I love our trips to Montana, because I get to go to Ross, Target, JC penny's, Bath and Body Works and Victoria's Secret. I miss American shopping when I am up here. I'll post an update of my finds this weekend after I get back. Until then!

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